13+ Zero Proof Sips for Dry January (and Beyond)

你是否正在寻找一种方法,在所有有趣的庆祝活动和假期的过度放纵之后重新开始? 如果你发现自己因为无休止的酒而感到“无聊”, 蛋酒, 还有节日鸡尾酒, Dry January might be just what you need. 一月戒酒很简单:戒酒30天来重置你的身心.

Founded by the British Organization Alcohol Change UK in 2013, “一月戒酒”始于一位女士的简单挑战,她在一月份戒酒,为她计划在二月份参加的半程马拉松做准备. 这一挑战变成了一场全球性的运动,鼓励人们戒酒一个月,放慢节奏, take a look at their relationship with alcohol, and improve their overall well-being.

值得注意的事情, 虽然, is that Dry January isn’t about what you give up, 而是你会从戒酒中获得什么,重新设定你的习惯. 另一件要记住的事情是,“一月戒酒”并不一定是完美的. A glass of wine with dinner? 好吧. A Friday happy hour beer? 你应得的. No need to beat yourself up. And you can always start again tomorrow. 目标是注意你的习惯,并尝试在这个过程中了解自己!

不管你的方法是什么,Co-op都是一个很棒的地方,你可以在不突然戒酒的情况下戒酒. 在我们一长串的无酒精鸡尾酒和无酒精啤酒之间, 我们有你需要的东西来享受一个无酒精的新年开始. 我们强调了我们最喜欢的无酒精鸡尾酒成分(你能说当地的灌木吗??), non-alcoholic beers (that aren’t O’Douls), 还有一些美味的无酒精鸡尾酒食谱,让你在家做一些美味的东西. Or if you just want kombucha, we’ve got that, 太.

Mocktail Must-Haves

Shrub Farm Raw ACV Shrubs

Made from whole fruits and raw organic apple cider vinegar, 灌木农场的灌木蜜饯是您的新年无酒精鸡尾酒的完美美味的补充. 灌木农场只使用毛伊岛和喀斯喀特丘陵的有机农场种植的水果来制作美味的混合物, and the final product is always non-GMO, 无谷蛋白, vegetarian-friendly, 和耐储存.

Located in Bellingham, Shrub Farm crafts its shrubs in micro-batches, ensuring the highest quality and freshest flavors. And making a mocktail with these shrubs couldn't be easier. Simply combine one part shrub with 10 parts 气泡水, top with a little garnish, and toast to yourself for trying new things!

Choose from Blueberry & 柠檬、覆盆子 & 柑橘类、姜 & 苹果和姜 & 夏威夷辣椒灌木口味,为你的下一杯无酒精鸡尾酒添加所有你需要的快乐.

Girl Meets Dirt Shrubs

Locally made on Orcas Island, Girl Meets Dirt specializes in fruit preserves, 苦味剂, 和灌木, all made from perfectly-ripe heirloom fruit grown on their farm. Without going into 太 much detail, the Girl Meets Dirt 创始人的故事 创始人Audra放弃了在华尔街工作的便利的城市生活,转而在奥卡斯岛(Orcas Island)追求农场生活(和水果保鲜业),真是令人难以置信.

Girl Meets Dirt fruit-forward preservatives are sweet, deeply-flavored, and delicately spiced, all while being true labors of love. And the same is true of their shrubs! Choose from Island Plum, 柠檬薰衣草, and Ruby Spiced Apple shrub flavors, all made from fruits grown right here in the Pacific Northwest.

Forest Farmstead Woodcutter’s Bitters

Tucked away in the North Cascade Mountains in Rockport, 森林农场是第三代家庭拥有的农场企业,饲养动物, manages a small orchard and market garden, 用云杉和花旗松针叶制作独特的苦味饮料. 你只需要几滴这种苦味就可以为你的无酒精鸡尾酒增添芳香,自然的味道.

免责声明:虽然几滴苦味酒的ABV非常, 非常低的, they still contain alcohol. A bottle of 苦味剂 generally contains 35–45% alcohol. 如果你想要完全不含酒精的饮料,就不要使用苦味饮料. 你可以 点击这里了解更多.


当然, 你需要把所有的灌木和苦味混合在一起,制成一杯令人愉快的无酒精饮料. 在我们的饮料区, you’ll find a wide variety of seltzer, 气泡水, 奎宁水, 水果味的意大利苏打水都是制作零酒精饮料的绝佳基础.

Fancy Cups for Sippin’

去全无酒精鸡尾酒时间,拿一些有趣的鸡尾酒杯,以获得最充分的体验. 快到我们2楼的商业中心来选择各种各样的饮料和隔热杯,品味时尚.



葡萄柚 mocktail recipe

Photo Courtesy of Gimme Some Oven

辣的 Grapefruit Ginger Fizz Mocktail

Made up of ginger beer, 酸橙, 葡萄柚, 墨西哥胡椒, 和薄荷, 这种无酒精鸡尾酒有点像帕洛马和莫斯科骡子的杂交品种!

在与西柚汁混合之前,将酸橙和墨西哥胡椒s混合, 酸橙汁, 薄荷, 更多墨西哥胡椒.


Find the full recipe at Gimme Some Oven

refreshing hibiscus mocktail

Photo Courtesy of Cookie + Kate

Refreshing Hibiscus Mocktail

Craving a tropical vacay with an equally tropical cocktail? Try this hibiscus mocktail featuring Topo Chico!

在加入自制的蜂蜜糖浆之前,芙蓉茶先浸泡并冷却, 酸橙, and your favorite flavor of Topo Chico.

If you want a little more sweetness, a splash of shrub would do the trick, especially Shrub Farm’s citrus & 树莓灌木!


Find the full recipe at Cookie + Kate


Photo Courtesy of A Couple Cooks


Planning a brunch for some friends soon? 考虑制作一个无酒精版本的周末饮酒经典:血腥玛丽!

辣的, 风味极佳的, 、咸, this mocktail hits all the important flavors of bloody marys, minus the vodka or gin.

Keep it simple or go all out with the fixings: celery, 辣椒橄榄, 柠檬, 鸡尾酒洋葱, 莳萝泡菜, pepperoncinis, pickled 墨西哥胡椒s and asparagus, 和熏肉! Or, you know, an entire mini slider.

Find the full recipe at A Couple Cooks


Photo Courtesy of Shrub Farm


Made up of just 4 super simple ingredients, 这款初榨莫吉托清淡爽口,略带甜味.

You’ll need fresh 薄荷, Shrub Farm’s raspberry citrus shrub, 气泡水, 和酸橙, 当然, a tall glass full of ice.

Enjoy this mojito next time you’re craving a little refresh-薄荷.

Find the full recipe at Shrub Farm

More Mocktail Recipes to Consider

不含酒精的啤酒, 酒 & 精神

你知道我们的啤酒里有很多不含酒精的啤酒可供选择吗 & 葡萄酒部门? 喝着一打啤酒, 两个酒, and four non-alcoholic spirits to choose from, 你一定会为不喝酒的人找到完美的一小口.

我们的啤酒 & 葡萄酒部门 is famous for its vast selection of beer and wine, and that includes non-alcoholic options, 太! 喝着一打啤酒, 两个酒, and four non-alcoholic spirits to choose from, 你一定会找到完美的小口享受在干燥一月和以后.

Athletic Brewing Co. & 清醒的木匠


Athletic Brewing Company

一家无酒精啤酒公司,致力于创造美味的精酿啤酒(减去ABV), Athletic Brewing的创始人比尔·舒菲尔特(Bill Shufelt)订购了一款水啤酒, flavorless non-alcoholic beer from a bar, and knew there had to be a better way.

With breweries in Connecticut and California, Athletic公司生产超过13种不同风格的啤酒. In our 啤酒 Department, you’ll find their Run Wild IPA, Upside Dawn Golden Ale, and Free Wave Hazy IPA.


由两兄弟创立,他们多年来一直热衷于精酿啤酒, 清醒的木匠成立的目的是创造一种不含酒精的聚会饮料,味道和传统啤酒一样好. 你可以在我们的啤酒通道找到他们的爱尔兰风格的红色和优步啤酒.


Are you looking for a German-style beer without the alcohol? Reach for a 6-pack of Clausthaler Dry Hopped NA brew. Clausthaler isn’t new to the game, 虽然. They’ve been crafting non-alcoholic beer since 1972!

而其他酿酒厂正在研究如何从普通啤酒中去除酒精, 克劳塞勒正在研究一种完全不同的工艺:在酒精开始形成之前停止发酵. 这个过程, now known as Clausthaler’s Controlled Fermentation, was innovation at its finest, and is now used by breweries throughout the world.

不含酒精的酒 & 泡沫

TÖST Sparkling Non-Alcoholic Bubbles

虽然你戒酒了,但这并不意味着你不能在特殊场合开瓶香槟酒! Töst NA气泡有传统气泡和玫瑰色气泡两种. 这款泡沫饮料的味道来自白茶,味道不太甜,清爽爽口.

Non-Alcoholic 精神

探路者麻 & Root Non-Alcoholic Spirit

大胆的, 可以说是辣的, 植物, and truly unlike any NA spirit you’ve had before, Pathfinder is the perfect way to close out a busy Friday. Enjoy it with a simple pairing of club soda and a twist of lemon. Or, 用探路者代替威士忌来做一些温暖舒适的无酒精饮料 热棕榈酒.

Wilderton Botanical 精神

Botanically based and perfect for a variety of fruity cocktails, Wilderton Botanicals spirits are bold, complex and will give you that classic fancy cocktail experience, without the alcohol.

Choose from Lustre (citrus notes), 瓦(烟熏, 好吃的笔记), and Bittersweet Aperitivo (herbal and 苦味剂weet notes).